Project Info :

One of the goal of the project to remodel the Hospital Giovanni di Dio de Frattaminore was to incorporate a new access control system for healthcare workers in order to lower the number of people who entered the restricted-access areas without authorisation.

Managed by the ASL2 Napoli Nord healthcare area, this hospital centre, located on the outskirts of Naples, has around 100 workers who can now access the different areas of the hospital via an electronic Accez-tag key, which is easy to wear around their necks hanging from a lanyard.

Access is controlled by autonomous Accez-100 terminals, which can absorb up to 1,000 users and are equipped with proximity readers located next to each entrance door.
With the implementation of this system, the hospital can be certain that only authorised people can access the restricted areas and that therefore that no one can circulate in unauthorised areas.

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