The consortium ARGE PIZ LINARD has entrusted us with the new counting and tracking system for the tunnels at Brienz/Brinzauls. The construction site has an objective of consolidate the mountain. On the night of June 16, 2023, 1.2 million cubic metres of rock broke away in a huge flow, which stopped just short of the village. Bioaccez will install an RFID system for counting workers in tunnel and a system of automatic barriers for truck control and avoiding the interference man/machinery.
Personnel Location at Lonato Tunnel

Personnel Location at Lonato Tunnel

Bioaccez Controls has started installing the personnel location system at Galleria di Lonato in Italy, besides the Garda lake. It is a bi-tunnel from the high-speed train. The  project is in the Brescia to Verona line. Seli Overseas SpA executes the works. It comprises RFID tags for personnel as well as vehicles & counters. Also Location beacons at sensitive points. The web based Software is the Transeo-Plus suite. The Personnel Location at Lonato Tunnel works at 2,4 GHz with directive antennas.

FRASSO to TELESE access control and personnel location

Bioaccez obtains the order for the access control and software of the stretch Frasso to Telese in the Benevento province in Italy (part of the High speed line Naples to Bari). The construction works are done by Pizzarotti, Ghella, Itinera, Salcef, Eds Infrastructure, Geodata Engineering, Integra and Rina Consulting. In 2026, at the conclusion of the works, it will be possible to go from Bari to Naples in 2 hours and up to Rome in 3 hours, facilitating travel between the three metropolises. Progressive travel time reductions are however expected already before that


Bioaccez wins the “La Sarenne” tunnel counting project in Isère, near d’Alpe-d ’Huez. As part of the construction of a new hydroelectric development in La Sarenne, Spie Batignolles GC has been awarded 2 lots. This project is taking place in a constrained mountain environment, on the Sarenne river in Isère (38). Spie Batignolles will dig a 3.5 km underground gallery, as well as the digging of a 350 m inclined shaft and the development of the existing gallery. The work will be carried out from January 2021 for a period of 36 months.


ITALKALI FROM SICILY DEPLOYS WIRELESS NETWORK IN SALT MINES BASED IN BIOACCEZ SOLUTIONS After tests in two underground salt mines the company has started the deployment based in repeaters for connecting mining machinery to the network for data acquistion and other safety functionnalities. Italkali – Società Italiana Sali Alcalini SpA –  is the main italian Company for mining, processing and export of rock salt. Operating on the market for more than 40 years, it plays a leading role on the domestic market and has a prominent position on the European market.

VoIP telephony for La Ciotat tunnels

Having a direct internet line in the TBM cabin, makes possible that TBM operators can make direct calls to the emergency services like fire brigade in any moment of the day or during the night shift. Bioaccez has provided the internet access using Wimax radiolinks allowing the transmission of voice, but also geological data, video and access control data to the main server.