About Us

Who we are
About us

We are a technology company that provides solutions in the areas of access control, identification and location of people and objects, combining RFID, network and video solutions. We work in the sectors of tunnel construction and industry.

We are a multidisciplinary team, led by Ramon Parladé as managing director. Reliability and peace of mind are the essence of Bioaccez, since we primarily work to ensure people’s safety.

After 18 years of experience, in recent years our participation in extremely important projects in Europe associated with the construction of tunnels has allowed us to specialise in this sector. The protection of the workers who are participating in these projects, as well as control of their productivity and the ease of locating them in the event of accidents, are issues to which companies are paying increasing attention.

What do we bring?
We bring technology
We bring knowledge
We bring innovation
We bring professionals
We bring customised solutions

But most importantly, we bring RELIABILITY AND PEACE OF MIND.

Ramon and Maria. Bioaccez team